Open 9AM - 7pm

mash & gravy dog walking

Jennie’s Corner Dog Services

Dog Grooming & Bathing Services

book today (619) 534-4007

Our mission is to provide excellent grooming services for dogs in San Diego County. We create a safe and welcoming environment for dogs and their owners at Jennie’s corner. 🐶

a woman standing next to a husky dog
a small white dog is being groomed by a woman
a white poodle being groomed by a person
a husky dog is sitting in a tub of water
a german shepherd dog sitting in a metal tub
a woman petting a white dog
a husky dog sitting on a table in a backyard
a dog standing on a table with a bandana on it
a white poodle being groomed by a person
a black and white dog sitting on a table
a dog standing on a table with a pink bandana
a small brown dog with pink bows on its head
a golden retriever sitting on top of a table
a person holding a bottle of blueberry facial for a dog
person, an adoptable chihuahua & chihuahua mix in houston,
a small brown dog sitting on top of a black mat
a black dog standing on a sidewalk with a leash
a black and white bulldog standing on a black mat
a small grey dog standing on a table with a bandana
a bulldog in a cage looking at the camera
a small dog is standing on top of a table with a bandana on it
a dog with a red bandana sitting on a table
a small chihuahua wearing a pink sweater and leash
a st bernard dog standing on a wooden platform
a white dog with a blue bandana standing on top of a truck
a dog sitting on top of a table in a garage
a small dog with a pink bandana sitting on top of a table
a white poodle with blue hair sitting on top of a table
a pug dog sitting in a metal tub
a black dog standing on top of a tub
a small dog is being groomed on a black table
a brown dog sitting in a metal tub
a dog dressed up as a tiger on top of a table
a white and brown dog on a leash
a brown dog sitting in a tub
a dog is sitting in a tub with its tongue out
person, an adoptable yorkshire terrier in austin, tx
a black and tan dog sitting on a leash
a dog is sitting in a tub with its tongue out
person, an adoptable poodle mix in san diego, ca
a white and brown husky dog standing in a cage
a black and white dog in a cage
a person petting a small dog in a cage
a dog sitting in a trailer
a husky dog standing in a tub


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